Appreciation Dinner 2024
What a wonderful Evening of Hope we had in March of 2024!
Inaugural Meeting and Dedicatory Prayer
February 21, 2023
“Our hearts are full of gratitude to each of you who made it possible to purchase this property. May the Lord abundantly bless you for your sacrifice and investment in the lives of pastors and missionaries around the world.” – The Selah Team

This ministry was born out of a grateful heart for the Word of God, the saving power of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit’s continual sanctifying work in our hearts and the spiritual mentors that have spoken truth into our lives at crucial times in our story. Biblical counseling has truly been transformational in our family and in our church planting efforts. This motivated me to pursue doctoral studies in Biblical counseling and led my wife and I to seek to become certified biblical counselors through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). We are so very grateful for the guidance and resources provided by Tim Bryant and the Lowcountry Biblical Counseling Center of Charleston, SC, who have invested in and partnered with us and other organizations like Selah to further the vision for biblical counseling and changed lives.
Even though we are Christ-followers and many of us are serving in ministry, there are often breakdowns in our relationships and in our personal lives. We know and teach Truth, but we often fail to apply and practice Truth on a personal level. When this happens, it is necessary to stop, listen and allow God to speak directly to our hearts. That is why we chose the name “Selah” for our ministry.
Many Bible scholars believe that “Selah” means ‘to pause’ or ‘to reflect’. “Selah” is thought to be rendered from two Hebrew words: s_lah, “to praise”; and s_lal, “to lift up.” From salah comes the belief that selah is a musical notation signifying a rest to the singers and/or instrumentalists who performed the psalms. If this is true, then each time selah appears in a psalm, the musicians paused, perhaps to take a breath, to sing a cappella, or to let the instruments play alone. Perhaps they were pausing to praise the One about Whom the song was speaking, perhaps even lifting their hands in worship. This idea would encompass all these meanings— “pause,” “lift up,” and “praise.” Whenever we see the word selah in a psalm or in Habakkuk 3, we should pause to carefully weigh the meaning of what we have just read or heard, lifting up our hearts in praise to God for His great truths. “All the earth shall worship Thee, and shall sing unto Thee; they shall sing to Thy name. Selah!” Psalm 66:4.
As our name indicates, we want to be a safe place where pastors, missionaries, ministry leaders and believers can pause, carefully consider what God is saying to them, then praise Him for His transforming Truth. If we can come alongside and help you or someone you love with a personal counseling issue, please reach out to us. (803)-456-2988 or info@selahinternational.org
Chris Phillips
Director, Selah International Counseling Ministries
Our Mission
- Certified Biblical counseling – We are committed to offering counseling that is credible, not based on what we might say, but convictionally on what God has said.
- Confidential care and coaching for ministry leaders and workers – This promotes accountability and avoids the isolation that is common in our circles today.
- Care for missionaries on the field or on furlough – Missionaries face unique challenges and intense spiritual warfare while on field assignment and home assignment; a reality which often leaves the missionary feeling trapped, alone, and forgotten.
- Consultation for challenging cases within the local church – We come alongside pastors and assist with evaluations, initial crisis counseling, and, when needed, offer a “formal recommendation plan” for going forward. Our goal is to provide the tools and follow up necessary to ensure the formation of godly thinking patterns and habit changes that are essential for permanent change.
Conferences & Workshops
Personal Counseling
Local Church Helps
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