Counselee Status Form Counselor/Your Name First Last Counselor Email Counselee Name First Last Counsellee Email Current Status Counseling Concluded (Counselor and counselee are in agreement) Counseling Concluded (Counselor and counselee are NOT in agreement) On Hold (Intention to resume in the future) As Needed (Counselee to initiate further counsel) Counseling Discontinued by Counselee ("Quit") No-Show/Counselee Uncommunicative Other Current Status - OtherPlease briefly explain your "Current Status" selectionHow many sessions did they have?Please give a brief description of why they came for counselingWhat do you believe was accomplished in the life of your counselee through your time together? Is there anything further that you would have liked to address but did not?Is there any follow-up needed by you as the counselor or anyone else on the Selah Team? Yes No Other Follow Up - OtherWho will need to follow up and what follow up is needed?Have you communicated with their advocate so that the advocate knows what is expected of them? Yes No Other Advocate Communication - OtherHow many counselees are you currently available to take?Are there any other important details to note?Please type the characters shownCaptcha Stay Updated Name* First Last Email* Captcha FollowFollowFollow