Personal Counseling and Care

Selah Personal Counseling and Care will serve as a spiritual “Emergency Room” for those needing confidentiality and intensive, personal counseling over a period of several days. Sometimes, the needs are deeper and merit a separation from distractions for a few days of urgent attention. We see this with issues such as grief, depression, family conflict, or marital crises. While Selah International conducts conferences and workshops in larger group settings, our personal counseling and care is designed with confidentiality in mind for individuals, couples, or families needing this personalized care.



God has provided various ministry partnerships in multiple states who offer affordable and private lodging in quiet settings for those needing this level of counseling. These partnerships have invited us to use their facilities in order to meet this great need. We have hosted several families who have traveled to the Charleston area, and provided the above crisis counseling, both in Spanish and English. We have also traveled overseas doing the same. Please contact us for more information regarding the locations and dates available. (803)-456-2988

Living Water Christian Camp and Retreat Center
Living Water Christian Camp and Retreat Center
Private Lodging at Living Water (North Carolina)
Private Lodging at Living Water (North Carolina)
North Carolina Retreat Center
North Carolina Retreat Center
Home for Personal Counseling (Charleston, SC)
Home for Personal Counseling (Charleston, SC)
Secluded and peaceful - Charleston, SC
Secluded and peaceful - Charleston, SC
Located in Historic Charleston, SC
Located in Historic Charleston, SC
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Selah’s beautiful headquarters in Columbia, SC, provides a safe, welcoming place for churches, ministry leaders and their families to find refreshment. Here you will find a tranquil, intimate space that will point you to the Creator.

Our Personal Counseling Intensive Retreats provide a restful, concentrated time for those in vocational ministry who are struggling and are seeking lasting change. We are here to give you hope and help through the Word of God.

Selah also offers the use of our property for hosting church staff retreats and short sabbaticals for those in ministry. For pricing and more information, please contact us at

Common Personal Counseling Issues

  • Abuse (physical, sexual, childhood)
  • Addictions
  • Adolescent/Teen Issues
  • Anger
  • Anxiety (fear, worry, stress management)
  • Budgeting & Financial Issues
  • Crisis Counseling (including suicide)
  • Debriefing for Missionaries transitioning to the US for furlough or permanently
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • Grief
  • Marriage & Family Issues
  • LGBTQ and Identity Issues
  • Parental Issues
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Suffering & Trials

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