Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but we can often unintentionally miss out on the most important part of the season. Our friend and “professional encourager” Pastor Dale Cunningham shares some helpful insights and practical steps to help us intentionally keep our focus where it should be during the Christmas season.
Tis the Season to Be . . .
“But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19
Tis the season to be . . . extremely busy!! Well, the song as you know says “jolly” and not “busy.” Sadly, in our attempt to meet all of our expectations for Christmas, we let “busy” eclipse “jolly!”
How can this Christmas season be more jolly, merry, and bright than just busy?
Guard your personal worship of the Savior.
Busyness does not equate spirituality. Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is be still, to rest. Meet with the Lord in the quiet place. Choose the best part! May your walk with Christ during this month not be one of just another Christmas season, but genuinely fresh as you relish in the personal application of the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ! Treasure Him in your heart!
Guard your marriage worship of the Savior.
Read a daily advent devotional book like Paul Tripp’s book, Come Let Us Adore Him, during a slowed-down breakfast or a shared coffee time later in the day. Plan intentional times of worship and service to participate in together. Ponder Christ together!
Guard your family worship of the Savior.
Work through an Advent Calendar. Read age-appropriate Christmas devotionals as a family at supper or bedtime. Schedule events this month that are “for your family only.” Worship together as a family on Sundays. Christmas carol to your neighbors. Adore Christ as a family!
Yes, this is the season to be jolly, to celebrate, to rejoice and to worship the incarnate Son of God! Don’t let busy eclipse the Savior!
“Once in our world, a stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world.” – C.S. Lewis

Dale Cunningham
Raised in the south, Dale has a passionate love for the Lord, his wife of 41 years, his three daughters, his five grandchildren, the empty nest, preaching the Word of God, pastoring people, discipleship, the University of Kentucky Wildcats (basketball), and Clemson Tigers (football), running the country roads and the Tweetsie Trail, and hiking the awesome TN/NC mountains!
For 22 years, he has had the privilege of serving the Lord at Boones Creek Bible Church ( Johnson City, Tennessee.